It is a template for the new world and the original vision of this beautiful blue planet. Any plan of meaningful and lasting action requires heroic and dedicated self effort of individuals standing side by side with an absolute faith and centered knowingness that a Collective Enlightenment is upon us as a species.
Recognizing that we all have the total Truth inside of us in each moment, this time of wonderment and Onesness Awareness becomes a joyous allowing of our inherent and sublime spiritual seeds to begin to germinate. In the germinating, the golden threads of luminous light begin weaving a morphogenetic field of right timing, right understanding, right action and righteous love to unite those of original intent with their heart’s awakening.
We all have a common yearning to be of service in the mass enlightenment happening across the globe. But more than that, the purpose and role of intent we all agreed to is being activated through the love and profound wisdom of the Earth.
All along, wherever your journey has taken you and whatever experiences you have known, each person’s goal was and will always be, love. In that realization, the question always comes back to loving all that is and ever asking how we can unite with one another in a moment, a purpose, a dream and a vision of mutual compassion and cooperative offering.
(c) DeAnne Hampton @
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