Dear Beloved Light Tribe and New Human Family,
I am sure all of you are feeling the intensity, the undefinable spaces and the sense of being both in your body and out of your body at the same time! On all the New Human webcasts this year we have looked at and run energies around humanity developing a new relationship with its power. It is really beautiful and calming the metaphor, stories, light sequencing and new understandings the Shining Ones have disseminated around this topic in our gatherings this year. This passage is a lot of connection and activity in the heart center – that part of you that connects with all your other aspects!! Those in a state of calm, in the heart center and stillness (versus the mind and thinking) are going to FEEL the unknown in a very different/new/deeper way.
Now thru equinox! This is a time of PATH CUTTING – this is the space and the time – all other things will come back and come into play after the
equinox – now is about balance and leveling up thru fasting and clearing out obstructions and resistances and eliminating any external distractions, the stories associated with our finite and limited selves … leveling up your own self as much as possible in order to serve the collective in the most effective way. All judgements and doubts, second guessing and pushing energies for personal gain must take a back seat to the genuine desire to know the fullness of LOVE in all things – at all times.
The opportunity this month is for finding and anchoring a new sense of responsibility for the power that you do have and for breaking through the barriers of your own limiting beliefs about what you have the power to manifest. Stretch yourself outside your own box and set an intention to expand your personal power into new realms of experience. There are no bridges from the old paradigm to the new in this NOW! YOU are the bridge – specifically the human heart – the consciousness and wisdom that reside there!
For 2015, levels of the unknown are quite unpredictable – more so than we’ve experienced in a body, through a dimensional shift and in the ascension process all at one time – which makes this time very unique – throughout all time and space. The light-workers are serving as conduits now – so that more can and will be ok with what is happening. And more and more, everything is happening very quickly – the light technology coming into play now feels very strong and clear. The opportunity for personal growth in the area of taking power back from old emotional wounds and outdated limiting beliefs is phenomenal this month. As you navigate the certain intensity of this month due to the astrological and other events, just remember that when something feels like a challenge – it is always an opportunity for growth, expansion and change. You may turn any challenging experience into a bid for new power. No matter what your experience or unanswered questions – “IT” is about love, a higher level of love in all we do! If and as you are able to abide in this state of surrendered trust and knowing – a new experience of your own consciousness and a merging of consciousness within the Collective Heart Grid is the gift to be had from this intensification and leveling up.
We will look more into the intricacies of the month as it unfolds – but for this first week – examine where you give your power away and begin to eliminate behaviors that perpetuate your power leaks. Setting good boundaries will ensure that your efforts to make changes in how you manage your power are protected. There may be some situations and relationships that will react poorly to this bid for power but be disciplined about your commitment. Remember to step back into your observer and away from the personal – this is about old light, old paradigm shifting to new light and new paradigm and a new relationship to power: power that finds its strength and center in Love. Look to empowering where you are going and not where you have been.
Please JOIN ME later today (2pm eastern) for a new YouAwakening Telesiminar with Jacklyn Johnston. After a very full webcast this past Sunday with the Shining Ones, this will be more opportunity with a LIVE audience to soak up the remembrance and love of this Galactic Star Race and the consciousness of a New HUman Paradigm. This event is free – you just need to sign up to get on the call. If you cannot listen live, as with all the New Human transmissions, this event will be available as an archive.
Blessings and gratitude to all who are taking on these new states of consciousness on behalf of HUmanity, Gaia, the Kingdoms and Elementals. The next few weeks will change us, let us surrender to the grace of this NOW.
May we all embrace the remembrance and Love of this time.
DeAnne and the Shining Ones
Great job on yourawakening show today!!! You bought your A game today. There was 110 per cent more energy than your last yourawakening show. So smart of you to bring the Shining Ones presence in so strong with your mediation and breathing at the beginning of the show.!!! I love the show and the energy. Thank you for all that you do. Superb job speaking from the heart center today. Love,Joy, and Light Greg
BIG LOVE Gratitude Greg – I always look forward to your comments and hold them as a very present and mindful barometer as to “how I AM doing!” You have been devoted to these energies and an appreciated support for a LONG time and the Shining Ones and I treasured your presence and contribution to the fullness of this intention! ♥✿