You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.
Contemplate today how your world might be just a little or a lot different… if you adored yourself and considered YOU your most precious and treasured commodity. There is no other person on the planet you will spend as much time with as you – that is a lifetime investment. Make it one that will reap many rewards, not in this experience alone, but in many lifetimes to come – in many dimensions, throughout all time and space.
The New Human
A life lesson I AM beginning to learn!!!! It’s only taken me 60 (+ zillion years)….lol!
I AM THAT I AM…….child of God I AM, child of God I AM, child of God I AM.
Still to listen to the replay of your webinar…. have been in catch up mode with life! Feeling I want to listen to it on 4/4 Australian time, so tomorrow it is!
Feeling the vibes……soooooo BEAUTIFULLY ABUNDANT! xxx <3 <3 <3