I AM Thine

With the Summer Solstice so near and pregnant with possibilities of new life and choices, opportunities and expansive spaces, it came to me to share this song and mantra with you. If you listen to the New Human webcasts you know Jai Jagdeesh, for her beauty and light have contributed to our meditations there. This Solstice is a super nova ray of new light on behalf of the truest and most authentic expression of who you are. Jai radiates this expression in form – modeling this essence with her gifts of song.

This mantra – Wahe Guru means to “recognize the other person in you.” I see my Self in all of you, the devoted and courageous beings of a new humanity. It is my wish that you feel me, within you, via these new light transmissions of The New Human – a vibrational invitation to 5th world.

We have 9 days to go!! until the Summer Solstice of 2015. The Shining Ones and I welcome your presence, your intention and the personal signature of your light to the Summer Solstice transmission of the New Human on 6/21 @ 11:11am eastern. As we just had a transmission this last Sunday and with just 2 short weeks in between, the intention and energies of that webcast are still percolating. What I know for sure is we will anchor a strong pillar of the Solstice energies on your personal behalf – as well as the ascending humanity and Earth. At its heart, this Solstice is about acceleration and gratitude, deep heart gratitude and trust in the greater process unfolding for all. After all, I AM THINE – and that wholeness and magnificent expression desires new expression in our world – through you. Open your heart to that and stay tuned to the beautiful ways the Shining Ones share harmonics, lightcodes and remembrance of Mastery with you here in this platform via webcasts, meditations, videos, articles, a new consciousness and the energies of 5th World.

With Love to the One and many of you, my human family,

Humee Hum, Tumee Tum, Wahe Guru;
I am Thine, in Mine, Myself, Wahe Guru

** have fun with this – when you get to the live portion – get up and dance, make a joyful noise in celebration of this NOW! ♥

Posted in New Day
6 comments on “I AM Thine
  1. beshelja says:

    Wow, a real jumble of energy this week. I claim miracles now, instead of worrying about anything that is happening on this 3D plane of mine. For example, I am going to a family wedding and while making flight reservations, found no times to fly back except 10pm – both online and on the phone. I said to my Divine “that will not work”, i was crying like a child. I said to my Divine, “you need to make this right”, i went back online and there were then flights available ALL DAY AND NIGHT, and i picked the time I wanted and have a ticket. Aho. This am I chanted and sang to Snatum Kaur, one of my faves, “By the Grace” and all of a sudden, so many sounds came vibrating out of my mouth! I cried with the joy that I felt and the grace I felt flowing thru my heart. A ho. Thank you Deanne and thank you all here for being part of my unseen but felt Tribe. I am traveling out to the ocean and forest on the west coast for the solstice and look so forward to touching gaia in a more intimate way. Much love, Judith

  2. DeAnne says:

    Aho! indeed! “This is my process and I AM in love with my process – all that I experience is either coming up for release or inviting me into a deepening. As a Master in Alignment with my highest good – I get to choose, release or deepen… and I CELEBRATE that choice, I CELEBRATE this NOW and I celebrate the remembrance activating through me of a New Sun, a New Power, a new radiance of my Divine Self! And So It Is!!”

    This is from the Shining Ones on your behalf, Judith – and as we are ALL ONE – it is a pure stream of the highest Light reflecting the GREATER process underway for us all – as ONE – no matter what details we are experiencing. Breathe into and find gratitude for these passing moments – for passing they are.

    Here I am, transforming

    myself into a chariot

    for the divine presence

    And so it is!! ♥♥♥

  3. Joyful Judy Wollam says:

    The live music got me moving and tears of joy flowing.


  4. DeAnne says:

    wonderful JJ – then it served its purpose well!! xo

  5. beshelja says:

    Gratitude Deanne for the message from yesterday, I just read it. It’s perfect and will be my mantra to bring me deep into the All That IS and that I AM. blessings to you, Judith

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