The sound of the Rising Tide is heard clearly.
A Christmas prayer for all the world ~
Wishing ALL a still mind and peaceful heart ~
knowing that our world is held in great care.
Merry Everything!🌟
With Love,
Hello New Humans and tribe of many colors and WELCOME to a very new, innovative and inspired website. In keeping with the tenants of 5th World, Unity, Oneness, Inclusion and Harmony, the expression you will find here will be a marriage of technology and true reality. On the New Day page, you will find daily posts inviting you deeper into the remembrance of the Authentic Self, your power and capacities as Eternal Beings of Light. All the expressions, visuals, higher truths and light emanating from this page will serve to link you to the Shining Ones, the frequencies of 5th World, our beloved planet, Gaia and the greater wisdom now emerging from within you. Let us enter in and Remember, let us join together and Create, let us use our voices and LOVE, everyday, to return all other to Oneness. And so it is~
Hello New Humans and tribe of many colors and WELCOME to a very new, innovative and inspired website. In keeping with the tenants of 5th World, Unity, Oneness, Inclusion and Harmony, the expression you will find here will be a marriage of technology and true reality. On the New Day page, you will find daily posts inviting you deeper into the remembrance of the Authentic Self, your power and capacities as Eternal Beings of Light. All the expressions, visuals, higher truths and light emanating from this page will serve to link you to the Shining Ones, the frequencies of 5th World, our beloved planet, Gaia and the greater wisdom now emerging from within you. Let us enter in and Remember, let us join together and Create, let us use our voices and LOVE, everyday, to return all other to Oneness. And so it is~
The sound of the Rising Tide is heard clearly.
A Christmas prayer for all the world ~
Wishing ALL a still mind and peaceful heart ~
knowing that our world is held in great care.
Merry Everything!🌟
With Love,
It speaks to you from the depths of your being.
She speaks to you from the depths of your being.
The Mother of All.
Gratitude to this beautiful community for holding the light SO high with me on…
I AM Ocean.
I come from the stars.
And I remember. I AM here to help you do the same.
When I was very small, my mom could see
all the light-codes in my energy field.
I wanted to help her…
REST. RELAX. BE STILL. Feel the love of the Earth Rising. Feel the heart of humanity expanding, Love is who we are. It is truly a time of gratitude. We are in a window between 2 eclipses ~ a gift…
An Invitation!
It was just one of those moments that likely mean less to everyone else but everything to you! I was driving home from an 11/11 experience last week that was many things but nothing we expected. Expansive, cleansing,…
This moment, that sky – the SUN!! It reminds me so much of this NOW – just SO MUCH GOING ON! It was the rainbow “wormhole” that first got my attention – which was very evident with the naked eye.…
Sunrise over the Blue Ridge –
An Eternal Promise, skies bathed in Love.
Namaste’ New HUmans,
November initiates an Eclipse season, making it especially conducive to being a turning point month for many of us. I’m all in! How about you? Eclipses…
Namaste’ New HUmans,
This comes to you with so much love and overflowing GRATITUDE for this magnificent NOW. One of the most consistent messages, persistent flows of new energy streaming to this world in this NOW is to STAY OPEN, listen…
A Field Of Fall Sorel
GRATITUDE for an amazing ride, powerful flow of energy in today’s October New HUman Transmission. I felt like I spent a lot of that show in another realm or dimension – which means the many of…
Pisces Full Moon Monday September 20th
Fall Equinox 2021 – Wednesday September 22nd!
Namaste’ New HUmans,
What a powerful time to be present to our creations! I spent a day with a beautiful young nurse recently. We can only imagine what her…
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