Good Morning Light Tribe,
It is a walk I do with Bodhi at least 2 times a week – and yet there was something about the Light this morning that beckoned a deeper sip. What have you noticed about the nature…
Good Morning Light Tribe,
It is a walk I do with Bodhi at least 2 times a week – and yet there was something about the Light this morning that beckoned a deeper sip. What have you noticed about the nature…
Our eyes are the portals for the light we carry within. They reflect the clarity, the wisdom, the unity and vision of the Soul’s vantage point, not only within this dimension but within many parallel realities and experiences and Universes.…
Good Morning New HUmans,
I AM sure you are experiencing profound moments of insight and deepening in your journey and reality. The vibrational world is lit up with fractal energy and crystal essence, inviting us into revelation and truer alignment with…
There really are no words Beloveds,
I am grateful for the everyday examples I was given to share with you on the Solstice webcast – but they are comparatively rudimentary to the level of light pouring into the mind, body and…
Blessings Light Tribe,
In yesterday’s New Day post there was a very refined and highly tuned harmonic for our benefit – did you catch it? I am recapturing it for you here, for us all, with a LIVE waterfall moment which…
Blessings New Humans,
The power and center of the Solstice Gateway continues to manifests in beautiful ways, magical ways filled with crystalline light and divine invitation into very new spaces. If you’ve listened to the Solstice New Human Transmission, you are…
Gratitude and exquisite blessings on all who participated with the Solstice Acceleration – in your own personal world and in the gathering of Souls as a tribe of new humans here, on the Solstice Webcast. The Shining Ones remind us…
The Solstice Gateway opens today 12:39 eastern, driven by Divine Cosmic forces with a momentum and acceleration of its own. We are feeling in our hearts, profoundly so, the gratitude of this acceleration and a strong and certain determination to…...
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