Blessings Beloved Light Family,
These past days following the December Gateway have propelled us into the “how do you describe the indescribable” phase of expansion. OH MY! Dreams have been amplified, visions have been very active as has the physical and etheric heart, sensations of vertigo and deep fatigue and what I can only describe as “lifting” sensations (more below) have increased exponentially. The Solstice Gateway began reverberating for me on the 18th, several days early, and continues still, as this sacred passage to a NEW NOW YEAR turns up its intensity on Divine Alignment. When the recalibration activity is at its strongest for me, sometimes I will just lie on the floor or ground with one hand on my heart and one on my solar plexus affirming: Divine Alignment, Divine Alignment, Divine Alignment. GOD I AM an instrument for the Divine.
This has been an especially intense passage for me – like nothing I have ever experienced. I know my heart has been recalibrated in both my physical and cosmic ancestry. A significant shift in awareness and experience for me has been that of no longer sending my energy and light into recalibration, but having the recalibration of so many levels of Self, come to me, in this NOW – to integrate and align with WHO I AM NOW. This is quite huge and powerful – I will talk about this experience more on the next webcast.
As many are aware from the last webcast – my computer crashed ( ie upgrades, new technology, new MOTHER BOARD) and as soon as I had that challenge somewhat handled…(breathe) it became necessary to MIGRATE my entire website to a new HOSTing site. The metaphors are rich here along with the accompanying awareness of just what we are stepping into with this new timeline experience. We are migrating to a new level of experience, a new vibration of existence, no longer compatible with the old technology of all previous eras, lineages, generations and consciousness spectrums. This NOW passage is a RESET of everything we have known on every level of our being. May we continue to honor this deeply introspective and transformational passage with our unified focus on peace, spiritual revelation, and highest trajectories for the Ascension. It is time to START ANEW.
I had a dream on Christmas Eve – during the Solstice Gateway. There were many details and levels of revelation in this dream, but one passage in particular feels significant to you and the transmigration of a species underway. I was in a “strange world”, foreign land… very unfamiliar, different language and culture. I was there with 2 other women (Perfect Trinity) and we each carried much respect and reverence that indeed, we were the visitors to this environment. There was no fear, just a desire to learn and explore and somehow merge, blend into this special place.
At one point in the dream, the owner of the market place we were in came walking out with a fairly large, rolled up canvas. She walked right up to me and began to unroll the canvas, all the while smiling and speaking another language as her gaze penetrated mine. Her energy was soft, gentle, but very pleased. As she opened the canvas fully – it was 8 to 10 feet tall and approximately 3 feet in width – I found myself standing before “me” – an image of my Self, like a portrait? The DeAnne in the portrait was vast, smiling, beautiful, very feminine, goddessy, my hair extra golden blond, I wore a long flowy gossimer gown and at my feet was a golden retriever that looked just like my Samadhi Blue. What happened next is the “indescribable” I mentioned above… and will remain with me indelibly. The portrait CAME TO LIFE. “I” stepped out of the painting and hugged my dream self, the golden retriever became animated with joy to greet me, showering me with kisses.
I don’t want to fill in too much here, because this is a NOW experience that is very much emulating the NEW we are stepping into. I invite you to play with the imagery, the ideas presented and how you feel this dream experience reflects the future possibilities unfolding. I can say that I was filled with wonder in the moment of it – I felt tremendous surrender, a huge letting go and an even greater embodiment of what was being gifted in this experience. JUST WOW!! And to think!!! This is only ONE piece of this dream – but one that I feel belongs to the Collective I AM – those in service to Unity Consciousness and Global Peace. This is OUR Now – we have commissioned this moment from very ancient to future agreements and consciousnesses.
I AM touching in with you today IN UNITY, with GREAT GRATITUDE and BLESSINGS FOR THE NEW NOW YEAR. Please know that the “migration” of a website with as much technology, content and body of work as DeAnne Live is an extensive undertaking (as is our human migration – body mind and spirit). If you come to the site and experience a temporary “nothingness”, “void” or otherwise strange activity – 😆 all is well and all will be restored – and better than ever!! There are some unknown variables in an undertaking of this degree (metaphor) – as soon as those variables become clear, I will post the January webcast date!! STAY TUNED. Stay attuned, always.
Finally, what we do have, never changing, is each other. Last Sunday’s Global Unity Meditations were the largest and most expansive since we began on 11/11. There is nothing more powerful than unified intentions and hearts in impacting the collective consciousness. The New Human Global Unity Meditations on 12/17 revealed New Earth visions and Cosmic Gateways for many. I also experienced the Vesica Piscis and was taken into the sacred geometry of the Vesica Piscis on Christmas Day, in collaboration with Gaia and Solaris. The intersection of the 2 circles IS the New Earth/New Human/Golden Age experience. As the cosmic energies intensify, we require stability in the heart, mind and energy fields. We hold this space for all willing hearts to align with Peace, Divine Love and Ascension.
I leave you with this intel and many images of LOVE – and also a question for you to ponder as we come into 2018. What is your strongest root to the Mystery? In other words, how do you remain centered and free from mind and emotion when experiencing intense and life altering recalibration? What is the heart of your spiritual connection? KNOW THY SELF! Is it FAITH, is it TRUST, is it NATURE, is it MEDITATION? These are a few examples. Your spiritual root is the aspect of SELF that is unwavering even when everything appears to be stripped away.
The nature and music moment below are gifts from my Christmas Day sojourn. It was 25 degrees with a windchill of 11 – yet with devotion and strong wanting Bodhi and I climbed to the top of forever in the Shining Ones vortex. I have never taken another soul up here – but on this day, in this NOW, the Solar Christed Light was so brilliant with beauty and invitation – and little ice “crystals” everywhere – I captured some moments to share with you here.
May you know the love that you are and be filled with the ecstatic bliss of this BRILLIANT NOW.
Love, Peace, Wonder, Namaste’
DeAnne and the Shining Ones
RA MA DA SA Sacred Healing Mantra by Aykanna
RA connecting with the energy of the Sun
MA aligns you with the Moon
DA energy of the Earth – grounding your roots
SA connecting with Infinite Spirit
Beautiful! Thank you so much Deanne for sharing all your wisdom and for giving us a glimpse of the Shining Ones vortex. Happy NOW Year!
I’m so pleased that Blue came to visit you. What a wonderful Dream!
I chanted along with you the mantra and was pleasantly surprised to hear something special around the 7-8 min. mark.
Happy New Now Year, DeAnne,
Many beautiful blessings now and in the New Year to come. So good to read this while listening to the chant and feeling your heart simultaneously DeAnne. I would say my root stems from “I love, You love, We love, One love,” residing in the love and unity of all that is that it evokes in me even when circumstances become so intense I am not certain this body will survive the moment, somehow so far I am still here joyfully in emboduiment.
this is truly a beautiful little mantra loop – loving it! And of course the words above – YES to all of it! x