1/11 ~ The Harmonizing Of A World Part 2!

Make no mistake about it ~ we live in an intense reality! Everything in the known reality ~ climate, politics, the economy, social and cultural tensions, the threat of war and a seeming void of any moral compass. This same intensity can be felt deeply in the psyche, the bellies, the heart and overall path of the woke ones dedicated to spiritual illumination and Unity Consciousness. This is an important understanding and centering awareness… the imbalances are in the process of correcting themselves on every level of the known and unknown reality and across the entire consciousness spectrum. At the heart of that process ~ planet, species, Cosmos… is the Harmonizing Of A World.

Last night, as a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse dawned in our world, I dreamed of a Pyrite, Pink Andean Opal. I have a beautiful piece of the pink, andean opal on my Peru altar ~ helping to anchor the intention and call in the lightworkers who have agreed to help me with this 2020 initiative. I am also very familiar with pyrite and have several pieces I work with on occasion. But a Pyrite, Pink Andean Opal?? This was unknown, unfamiliar to me. It was a fairly large chunk of that exquisite, soft pink (it looks a bit like candy and its energy like a cloud) andean opal… and within it were channels, veins of pyrite, creating rich shimmering rivers of silver and gold. After hanging out with the dream energetically, I went to see my friend Connie, who owns Points of Light in Asheville. This is the biggest crystal store in the southeast… and Connie knows crystals. So, I was curious to know if this dream crystal was an actual thing? She found the dream crystal fascinating, although it does not exist in this dimensional space. But what she said intuitively and with appreciation is that this dream crystal represented the merge of masculine and feminine.








And so it is.
The harmonizing of a world ~ the journey toward unity, reconciling all energy within ourselves 1st. So many of us (some may even say the majority) are straddling different aspects of Self, with the 3D Consciousness the main focus ~ understandably so. This NOW is intense because we haven’t been here before, it is a new frequency for us to negotiate daily in our perceptions, beliefs, relations, self care, service etc It is so important to really focus the mind on the new, accessing /channeling higher wisdom and information so that you can see this now differently… all the while affirming that new to yourself until it comes through.

But also, we must lead with our intentions! Sheldrake said that “Our intentions stretch out into the world around us, and also extend into the future. We are linked to our environment and to each other.” I know I AM an edge walker. I know I came here with the intention to step out ahead and create vibrational spaces, containers and platforms of remembrance so that the many align with their truest service and greatest power: on behalf of an evolving world.

There is nothing more important than realizing the power of your own potential! On the power of this eclipse and with the vibrational support of the 1/11 tomorrow – take time, create the space to get deeply in touch with how you can best rise in that potential this year and decade – what will 2020 be for you?The next 20 days will be a powerful boost for anchoring your authentic nature and power. The last time this saturn meets pluto in capricorn eclispe happened on this planet was 500 years ago – the time of the burning of the witches! Now we have the old masculine paradigm forces provoking war when the real threat is to take care of the Mother, this beautiful, living planet – earth star! The Divine Feminine has been snuffed and disregarded for millenniums of time! We must choose differently. We must align ourselves and actions with higher intentions and impeccable pursuits. It is time to form alliances greater than our 3D focus and concerns. When we truly step back and breathe into our deep wisdom, we see that the world over, the religious, social, democratic, political, economic and religious structures that have been in place are remnants ( still under the influence of) the Roman Empire! But it is a consciousness whose time is coming to an end. We had a powerful, inspiring focus in a show a couple of years ago about what the marriage of Meagan Markle and Prince Harry of Wales represented. And NOW – IN this new decade, at the time of this 500 year eclipse with evidence everywhere all around of the self destruction and collapse of an archaic system… this young couple has fiercely, defiantly, bravely declared their desire for independence from the monarchy! THEY ARE BREAKING RANKS!!! I AM SO in love with and GRATEFUL for it ALL.

I still need 2 more people to sign up to make PERU 2020 happen. Tomorrow we are 10 days out from the close of registration. I have put everything I have into this initiative – following energy, trusting the light, trusting love. Will you BREAK RANKS with me and give an extra push in your world to lend your energy and wisdom to this Stargate Activation?Tomorrow, 1/11, would be an excellent portal day to SAY YES to this once in a lifetime experience in the epicenter of this NEW CONSCIOUSNESS, CRYSTALLINE MERGE. Please find some stillness and tune in beyond mind, beyond the details to figure out and breathe into the reunion of souls setting out on this sacred pilgrimage. Remember, the goal is to travel from the states together – a United front of souls laying their intentions on the alter of Divine Mother, Holy Ma, the New Feminine Grid of a New Earth experience.

LOVE LOVE LOVE to ALL ~  you ARE my heart!
DeAnne and the Shining Ones

Sunday, January 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th:
New Human Global Unity Meditations: 3 years strong, we gather in unity, in intention, in love for the greater good of ALL.

Sunday, January 19th
New Human, first transmission of the new year!
2020 – The Harmonizing Of A World
11:11am eastern – mark your calendar now – bring a friend or 2!


Wednesday, January 22nd
Registration Closes for PERU 2020 Initiative

A new experience in a new now, journeying into the Sacred Valley and Ancient Mysteries of a mystical land. KNOW THAT you are an active agent in the anchoring of a new grid of consciousness the world over. These New Human Sacred Pilgrimages are journeys of energy into the Self, into the heart of Gaia, the 5D Earth, into a RISE that is opening passages for the greater good of the whole. The channels of Light in our Earth and in human you, are the same. It is time to sync up those merkabahs. As Jane so eloquently articulated, “there is something very profound when your align your body with your deepest values” – devoted expression of the Unity we share with this beautiful blue planet.  I encourage you to BREATHE IN and revisit the invitation (see link), getting out of the way with any thoughts of distraction and with the ALLOWING of your New Self, New Service as Divine Agents of Change. I AM waiting, with grateful JOY, for your SIGN ME UP!


You are the jewel in the lotus.
Remember to shine.

Posted in New Day

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