from the chains we placed there ourselves.
December Passages:
Sunday December 6, 13, 20, 27 – New HUman Global Unity Meditations. Merge your energy and heart with this activity, join forces for the highest good and outcome, you are never alone.
The Revelation Wave: December 12- January 20.
This wave is of a much higher vibration than we have ever experienced. Take a breath here to tune into all that the 3D reality has been through this year! This Revelation energy has served to literally shake the lower realities, transforming and absorbing them into the higher vibrational bandwidths of a New Light Frequency and Unity Consciousness. From the perspective of the external realities, it has appeared chaotic. But this Upset and Reset has been in direct relation to the New Light anchoring into the current grid. This energy and intensity will increase as the wave fully enters and amplifies through 2021. May the new waves of consciousness -shifting, veil-lifting, Source-encoded Light expand hearts and fill as many possible with the Vision and Truth of Unity and Love.
Saturday – Monday, December 12 -14th
This weekend will be stunning with Light activity as the Revelation Wave Stargate Opens with the 12/12!
The December New HUman transmission – Sunday 12/13!
11:11am eastern The Dawning Of A New Age
We will prepare for the Solstice Gateway together with this webcast! Transformational energy, insights, revelation about the true nature of reality at this time and tools to align yourself with highest and best outcome no matter where you are in the world. Your presence is welcomed!
Monday, December 14th at 11:13AM EST Solar Eclipse and New Moon
Monday, December 21st at 5:02AM EST
Solstice, Jupiter and Saturn conjunction
This day in this NOW is a grand moment to KNOW THYSELF. Many will experience a quantum activation of the Heart Center. The Source-point of the Heart reunifies across the dimensions, all expressions of your unique fractal of Source. It unlocks your personal Living Library across time- space. Many more of the Ascending collective will see the New Earth realities in clear, direct ways.
New HUman, New Light Activation December Gateway Event
Full Day immersion out on the Earth exploring vortex energies with both Ascending and Descending spirals, Geometric Apexes and Crystalline waters. If you cannot join us in person, know that you are welcomed to tune into and join this group of Lightworkers as we work directly with the Crystalline Grid.
December 19 – January 7
Intense shifts in perception, the culmination of 2020 Vision for Starseeds, Lightworkers and New HUmans around the globe. Self-imposed and collective veils start to lift. Planetary magnetic shifts have been accelerating all year. This affects perception, since the veils are magnetic based. Change the magnetics, and the veils dissolve.
The ground is made instantly holy
the minute we’re still enough inside our own bodies
to feel the presence of love.
This New Light, Divine Feminine Love and expressions of 5D Earth are changing our human experiences out on the earth daily. The vibrational world is palpable with new geometries, codes and frequencies of pure Christed, Crystalline activity ~ expressions of Unity Consciousness. This pure radiance is not in the vibrational world alone, but so clearly evident in the humans coming for vortex experiences. I have witnessed and felt conscious intentions to step into NEW, to allow the crystalline river flowing to wash away the old expressions of Self. I AM experiencing ongoing Re-Union, a deep felt joy of connection with so many showing up, would be strangers and yet, somehow so much more.
We have been crossing this huge bridge of Self, a new BEingness being born, since the 2012 Gateway. Every human being experiencing their own unique experiences of awakening within the Collective awakening of planet and world. The RISE calling, felt from deep within a seamless, zero-point state, has been deepening our relationship with Source, with God. As the lesser things, distractions, judgements, separation without and within fade into distant memory, we are becoming pure conduits of the Christed freguency, beaming through activated DNA. This activity is a profoundly felt experience, being made new, feeling younger from the level of the cells, ready for New Life!
as much and as often as I remember it does!
OH my – it is just cracking me right open ~ the deep dive into the heart… so much clarity of purpose and identity,THROUGH THE HEART, which is a different language than what the ego perceives. Every experience, every perceived deficit every judgement and emotion, every dis-order or dis-ease is for the purpose of finding our way back to love. What will this Gateway reveal? Rumi says, “Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of their hearts”. This Gateway is a heart event. Yes, the RESET of a world happens through the heart. Your perception during this Gateway, the phenomena seen, felt and embodied is based on the spiritual maturity of your heart, mind and emotions. The sacred earth experience we have been called to gather and experience the Gateway within here in the Carolinas is the Power, Liberation and Divine Merge vortex. This vortex feels like a Coronation to me, a coming full circle, coming Home. This entire year for this humanity has been a test of spiritual maturity, the opportunity to SHIFT our reaction to collective veil-lifting ~ to keep a sense of LIGHT about the deceptions and manipulated story-lines. Change your perception about what is happening in any given moment, and you change your world! This is Mastery-level Self Realization as individual and collective self-imposed veils continue to lift. We cannot outrun the veil lifting, the inevitability of this RISE. Allow your perceptions to be changed. Become still, centered and clear on what you desire as an outcome for your personal path and that of collective humanity. Stay in the moment, in your heart, witness the moment fully with all that is being revealed. Remind yourself often, ” My Inside is my Outside. I AM nothing more or less than who I AM.”
There is only Love. This Love is your power and liberation. As you align your intention for your life and the world with this Love, the knowing, wisdom, clarity and peace that you seek will be revealed to you through your heart. The return to love and only love, is the treasure itself.
Thanks for writing this, DA. I’m looking forward to your next webcast. I will be participating in a Winter Solstice Celebration being organized by 2 friends.
What a beautiful and powerful message I loved every bit of it. Thank you for all of your wisdom to help us continue on this great awakening of heart centered consciousness. You are a gift of love for all to seek. Love you ❤️
WOW! Gratitude Joanna, this really touched my heart and makes the last 15 years of holding this space and sharing this energy VERY worth while. Big Hug and LOVE always to you 🙏💞
Thank you for stopping by Judy, I AM happy that you have a sacred space and community to experience the Solstice with. Feel free for your group to connect with those gathering here in Asheville power spots. It will be a powerful day!! ❣️
Hi DeAnne!
This is what I needed to read, love this! Epic times! Let the love flow…..
G’day Nikki, Epic times indeed! Sending you a new human hug ~ and yes, LET THE LOVE FLOW! xo
Greetings DeAnne, I wrote to you in my mind daily for some days.there’s so much to drink from in your Light’Love Spread Container.Gratitude.
Jupiter&Saturn been together for months&joined by t’moon for the 08/08. all rise in the East.marching in a straight line like a Grand Parade .
a celestial Gala Show. Jupiter so close,so big I tried to touch it.
Thank you DeAnne for your EXPENSIVE input.
I add my Love connecting/joining DA Ray to amplify,support,connect to ALL who’re connected with you/The Shining Ones whom we could relate to,as A’Central SUN’.
via this Central Sun we’re ALL connected, shining together>>>= The ONE WE really are.wherever a ray touches,it connects to another.
Love waves from my heart to ALL Rays of this Shining SUN.
We’ll meet thru intent in the events you pointed out. Namaste.
Dear Ruty, We ARE ONE and the Shining Ones love you and your heart, me too! You will definitely be a part of the Solstice event with us here in the Carolinas – all shining together 💞
“an analogy between the workings of nature&those of human societies”.
I checked in dictionary if the word’analogy’is correct.I choose here:
CENTRAL relates to DeAnne,The Shining Ones, The Vortex.
As we connect with our rays to Central Sun Rays(DA),we create A MIGHTY unstoppable grid/Net with LIGHT’s Source that burst forth spreading love particles/waves all around us & the circles connects us.
Thank you light DeAnne. LOVE to ALL,to YOU. Gratitude Eternal.
Gratitude to YOU Ruty, for BEING HERE NOW!! xo
Delighted,Honored, with intent to be part of Solstice event with you.
Now,and continuously,pulsing Light from sacred Heart a cross the Grid.