Cathedral Rock Vortex



I recently returned from visiting Sedona, AZ, for the first time. I was aware of the history and personal experiences many have shared about Sedona’s energy and yet, I knew I was going there to have my own experience. It did not take long to discover that Sedona has a vortex called Cathedral Rock, the same name as one of the vortexes I have been guided to share and include in tours here, in Asheville. Here is the Higher Realms intel on the greater energies of the Cathedral Rock Vortex in the ancient Appalachian Mountains of the Southeast.

Cathedral Rock Vortex

This vortex is a favorite with inspiring views. One can access their Higher Self Matrix or inner guides, view their life on the greater time/space continuum, travel to the heart of the earth mother and open the self to healing. This magnetic vortex grounds and supports an individual, strengthening the earth element while opening to the Cosmic Heart. You can actually see and feel the world grid here!

The above description came through 8 years ago and much has changed since then – in our world, within the Earth, in the Ascension movement itself and most importantly, inside an evolving humanity. Having now embodied a very personal experience with the Cathedral Rock vortex in Sedona, I feel I was called there both to bring the energies of the vortex here in Asheville to the southwest – but also to bring what I experienced and embodied in Sedona, back to these mountains… creating a frequency bridge between the two. On the surface via appearance, they are very different, yet both of these vortices provide a high level of exposure and accessibility to Solar and torus field energies. The frequencies have a much greater bandwidth, are much more expansive now than even a few years ago. I have become very aware that the vortices around are globe are changing and moving with the New Earth energies – they are being renewed, reset and whatever their initial gifts of intention, are now amplified, on behalf of the Light Tribe. In addition, they are syncing with one another as a reflection of Unity Consciousness and a new Unified Ascension Grid. 

Upon returning home and going straight away up to the “southeast” Cathedral Rock Vortex, the Shining Ones, Gaia and some new ET races I AM not familiar with filled my mind with illumination around the addition of a 3rd Day of the Summer Solstice Event here in Asheville. I have been guided to create the space for a journey up to Cathedral Rock on Tuesday, June 21st with a select group from the greater group that will be coming for the 2 day initiative. 6/19 and 6/20. “They will know who they are,” I have been assured. Those guided to participate in this journey are individuals ready for radical shift in their lives and desiring a more direct experience of the Solar Christed Self, as well as, a more expanded role and responsibility within the Ascension Movement. Indeed, this experience will be part of that expanded role and responsibility! Those participating can expect a stronger relationship with their own Higher Self and a more personal relationship with their team of Light. This amplified phase from now through 2020 is about CO-CREATION between realms, for the purpose of lifting the lower into the higher, Divine Merge, allowing greater numbers to embody the higher states of Consciousness in a permanent way.

If you feel guided and or resonate with a more active and direct experience of the emerging Solar Light, this experience has been created for you, ultimately by you. That is where we are now – that is the invitation being extended and the opportunity at hand for us all. We just have to be willing to say YES and step into it.

Cathedral Rock Vortex Experience –
Tuesday, June 21 – 8am to midday.

This experience is extended to those participating in the 2 day Solstice Toltec Dreaming/New Earth Event only. Energy Exchange: $50
