Choosing To Live Deliberately

20150907_112536Blessings New Humans,

This is an incredibly full and abundant now. The levels of light are ever increasing making for a very centered, felt purpose anchoring in the body. This experience of embodiment precedes connecting with a new level of your Divine purpose and greater service at this time. One of the things I hear and feel consistently from the higher realms as we move around in these very new spaces so filled with waves of Divine harmony, is the necessity of us (ascending hUmans) getting very serious about loving our whole being, fully, unconditionally, freely and joyfully. This is an incredibly refined passage heading into the Equinox, Blood Moon Gate, refined meaning the higher frequencies are acting as a sieve. The purpose of this refinement is to allow the geometric patterns and frequencies within your energy fields to match or catch like a crystal prism, incoming light rays communicating directly with your consciousness. So the work is to get really clear about your identity as a Divine New Human and to intercept the personality construct when it tries to run interference. This interference will look like self sabotage, reasons why you can’t or aren’t ready to embrace the very new reality that is here with us. It is not possible to grow in this light into new radiance and authentic alignment in the old conscious patterns that have limited you and kept you small. Feel and intend to create and abide in spaciousness – out of patterns and shoulds, old grooves… there is nothing you need to do so much as to allow your Self to just be in these new spaces.

I have had a curious week since jumping out of an airplane at 11,000 feet last Sunday and free falling @ 120 miles an hour. I AM very aware of new energy in my body, a different level of consciousness looking out on reality and guiding my decisions. The new energy did not enter my body in the jump per say, but the letting go of that jump definitely dismantled a certain footing within my personality that use to drive me via old beliefs and understandings about myself. What I know for sure, is that everything is different in this NOW. There is no footing for your old identity constructs and the grooves of a conditioned self. The gift of sky diving ( love that expression) for me is that it allowed me to see the greater process of energy and refinement underway for us all at this time. There is a deep reorganization of consciousness underway presenting you with unique patterns of the Cosmic Christ in your energy field. These new Christed patterns will compliment Divine Choice and Divine service, but will elude you if you are vibrating with limiting beliefs and attachments that no longer serve you.

The energies coming in right now are powerful, a felt presence of Source, yet they feel very comforting and expansive, peaceful, joyful and quite still, all at once. This is alignment with the Divine Self. The more you are able to hold that vibration and maintain it, deliberately choosing activities and flow that invite order and peace, connection and this felt purpose within, the more you will attract more of the same. The more present you are to the true moment, the more you will be able to hear the higher calling.

20150907_110346The Equinox Blood Moon Gateway is in motion and very present! This is our time to move into an accelerated phase of Divine Being, Divine Living, Divine Alignment and Authentic Life. In these days leading up to this Gateway, expect periods of deep self-examination, observing reality as through a prism of refracted light, a sense of deepening devotion to the path of Light, a compounding desire to serve and share what is filling you from within, a more expansive and illumined heart and the embodiment of becoming a representative of the Collective.

Be with the nature as much as possible, deep emergence with the Holy Mother, our beloved Gaia. The energies and presence, elementals and animal kingdoms in the Shining Ones vortex has been exceptional recently. 20150907_112001I am sharing some energy from today’s time at the ancient site with you here. I am observing presence of beings I am not familiar with? a new star race or cosmic population. They feel curious and benevolent and likely a precursor for more such encounters. So many are interested in Earth and Humanity’s ascension and have a vested interest in our ability to ride these new harmonics with the grace of remembrance and faith.

As I mentioned on the current New Human Webcast – another “side effect” of this ascension passage is connecting with memory of past lives and journeys. Cellular memory activates codes within your blood and bones during this phase. Pause, observe and feel the great gratitude for all 20150907_110215that has gone before, yet take care not to get swept up in these experiences. They are holographic imprints to assist the Higher Self stepping forth. Use the imagery of the mandala and jewel tones we worked with in the current webcast to further assist you in unifying all of the journeys here in order to transform them. Remember, your power, your wisdom, your clarity and strength of purpose is always in the present moment. Know that you have been dreaming of this alignment and activation for eons of time – it is time to wake up and walk deliberately into this new Light and reunion with your Divine Self.

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Big Love to Each of you, to Oneness and this Light of all Eternity,



Posted in New Day

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