Total Lunar Eclipse

The New Light entering in with 2019 and the first eclipse of the year on Saturday the 5th initiated a deep process of transformation that “eclipses” this Sunday with the Blood Moon Eclipse. Just WOW! The energies anchoring this weekend are yet another Light level with more vision, inspired action to the new and creative expansion to embody. The energies are likely to intensify ( we are getting use to that, right?) with many experiencing extremes from deep long sleep to very little sleep. Remember, the goal is always BALANCE. There are no shoulds in 5D – but many opportunities to observe ourselves and the synergy between our mental, emotional and physical activity. Does that make sense? What you will begin to notice as you acclimate to the new timeline experience is that the mind will shift its operating mode ~ softening, relaxing and allowing greater space for rest, for stillness, for creativity and BE-ing versus the usual doing and drive of the lower self conditioning. As we looked into and explored in the January New Human Transmission The Birth Of A New Energy – ( ) the grids have shifted, so everything is amplified! This weekend is a very refined invitation from the realms of bliss and light to align with the expansive, empowering New Light and collective higher timelines on a deeply personal level. And though the magnitude of this upward spiral can be intimidating, there is so much love and wisdom present and available to assist you in clarifying your intent, deepening your commitment to Self, to creative action and service as we move into expansive opportunities for Unity Consciousness and Oneness the world over.

*A little primer on the nature of the Blood Moon.

January 20 – 21, a large swath of the planet will experience a lunar eclipse, the peak of of which is Monday, January 21, 12:16am eastern. More than three years have passed since most of North America saw a good total lunar eclipse. Take a moment to close your eyes and tune into who you were 3 years ago ~ how your intention and commitment and lives have grown, since then. A ‘Super Blood Moon Total Eclipse’  – this moon marks one of the most important astral events of the year. Imagine the gift of being conscious and in your heart and willing to be vulnerable with your life’s dreams at such a time. Also referred to as a monster eclipse, the moon will turn a rusty red color for 1 hour and 2 minutes when moon is closest to the earth.

It is a tremendous opportunity to amplify your meditative experience by using the energy of this eclipse to brighten your radiance, joy and your sense of infinite energy.

Speaking of Amplified Meditation Experience – we will connect for our weekly New HUman SUNday Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Eastern. ( 3 times to choose from honoring the Trinity. Intend to meditate with this Eclipse, see this Blood Moon in your 3rd Eye and feel its power (and color) washing as a wave down to your heart.  Open-eyed meditations are also recommended, as the eclipse is visible for a large portion of the world.

As we discussed in the above webcast – 2019 vibrates as a 3 year, which carries the Trinity and Christed codes for our embodiment. Our meditation in this first webcast of the New Year honored the inner trinity and the migration to the organic timelines. It would be powerful and appropriate to revisit that meditation if you are so guided. Inner Trinity, Silent Om

Open your heart wide and deep to the NEW, to the sensation of rebirth, renewal and freedom. Since the December Solstice, this humanity has been showered and blessed with continuous experiences of a profound and freeing energy – all for the great love of preparing us for a larger, brighter experience, as ONE.

Underestimating your glory
is the only sin.
Give birth to the Christ
in your own body.
Drink up the NEW of this day.
Bask in yourself
and squander the kingdom!
A fountain of something like starlight 
will rise up your spine,
spilling over, showering the world 
with burning seeds of wonder,
gold as the stuff in Mary’s womb.

Hopi Madonna by Fa. John Giuliani
So Much Love and Deep, Deep Gratitude I send to you ~
Always in my heart,

DeAnne and the Shining Ones

Posted in New Day
One comment on “Total Lunar Eclipse
  1. Joyful Judy WOLLAM says:

    I certainly had problems sleeping last night. Felt that there was so much light energy flowing thru my body that it just did not want to go to sleep. I think I finally fell asleep around 2.

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