In Between Worlds

10481424_876479875725836_2865108382520179614_nAre you feeling it? That floaty inbetween space, not where you use to be but not quite in the new realities and possibilities that beckon from everywhere and nowhere all at once? There is a vast wilderness of Cosmos that is enveloping our Earth and sensibilities with a new atmosphere. We planned for this, you and I. This NOW and this potential, this nothingness and seeming instability of life.

This new atmosphere is in support of the refinement of the True Self, Real You, Expansive, Multifaceted, Creatively Charged and Intuitively Inspired You. As the spaces inbetween worlds grow less dense and the Light becomes brighter within, it is for each of us to IMAGINE and DREAM and begin living in our bodies and reality differently. So that the inner Light may find new expression in the outer world, through us. This is a time to take what we know intellectually and ground it into new circumstances, new ideas, new inspirations, new relationships and community and necessary contribution.

Do not be afraid or hesitate to loosen the grip on what you know so that the new Light may breathe differently through you. Allow your Self to be inspired by your life! Only you can do that and yet, when you do trust and move into new experiences – you will find these new spaces to be very familiar, relaxing, restorative and filled with clarity. There is a joy that will feed you and reality opens up to a new design. Spend this week imagining a new design for your life and then make a commitment to walk into it – do something, ANYthing differently, one experience at a time.


Posted in New Day
3 comments on “In Between Worlds
  1. OMPadaDevi says:

    Just go with it and enjoy the ride!

  2. Kathleen says:

    I am listening differently, fully immersing my focus on what another is saying to feel the feelings they are feeling, responding with the most loving response available in the moment. It seems there are layers and layers of perception and through heart to heart communication we can understand each other’s perceptions expanding our collective perception of peace on earth.

  3. Karen says:

    Thank you beautiful Tribe….. I commit to imagine & dream a NEW expression of existence into BEing – yes, heart centered, grounded in New Earth Mother LOVE & aligned with my Divine True Higher Loving Self…Blessed BE (((((((+)))))))
    I will skip with a joyful, light hearted awareness into my NEW LIFE….woohoo!!!!

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