Summer Solstice ~ RISE Like The Sun

Friday, June 21 at 11:54am EST


Good Morning Beautiful Light Tribe,

I recently happened upon an interview with Madonna. She was talking about her new album, Madame X. This was a short, 10 minute or so snippet and I don’t remember much, but I do remember one moment well. She quoted a piece of one of her new songs that she felt spoke a lot to the album and also her life:

“I guess I am lost
I paid a handsome cost
the thing that hurt me most
was that I wasn’t lost.”

This resonated deeply for me, a felt understanding of what it means to deliberately, defiantly even, walk away from the status quo. It is not unfamiliar for those of us choosing to wake up in a sleeping world, to witness a lot of the known support structures, safe, predictable life and the constant of family and relationships, to fall away, as well. It takes courage and conviction to live in and trust the unknown, to be a creative voice and conduit for the mystery while confidently choosing again and again, to champion the innate desire to lead, rather than to follow.

Freedom And The NEW!

This Solstice-Eclipse Gateway is about FREEDOM and the NEW! Be sure and revisit the previous blog, All Present, All Powerful, Shift To New illumining the energy highlights for June,  including the powerful Solstice energies. We are being asked to step into New Leadership roles that will not only alter our own lives and circumstances, but empower us to then share that awareness and the process of this embodiment forward, to ongoing change in the world around us.

It is no coincidence that I also “happened upon” a recent interview with Beyonce. Two powerful, creative women that have carved a niche’ for themselves by defying odds and expectations, their creative expression was stronger than their need to conform and comply. In the Beyonce interview, I learned that having been raised really close to the church in a gospel singing family – she found it very difficult to sing and dance and move and express herself in a more provocative way as she stepped out to create her own reality. An internal turmoil was borne out of standing before something so new to her that was different than the values of her upbringing. The way she dealt with this division between where she had been and where she was always destined to go… was to create an alter ego! Some of you might be familiar with Sasha Fierce, a brazen FORCE that went with her into the unknown. Beyonce shared that when she put on her stage clothes and did her make-up and hair to match the attitude and confidence of Sasha Fierce, she felt free to embody and express and become this alter ego. Eventually, she embodied the whole persona as a meaningful part of her True Self, no longer needing Sasha Fierce.  

Even though this passage of awakening is very new for us all, it is still very much about surrendering the old. As Lightworkers, Divine and NEW Humans, we must make those higher choices in this Now, ongoing and with strong intention. Especially with services and expressing your True Self in creative ways. Spirituality is becoming more and more mainstream, whether it is expressed as Ascension or Awakening, Expansion or Evolution. A new existence stirs in the new minds and new hearts of the ancient ways we carry deep within. We  need quality, skilled, wise and fearless Wayshowers to step up with their unique expression – NOW is the Time.

A fun activity I thought to offer you during this Solstice and the coming weekend, is to create an alter ego for yourself! Inferred resistance is not uncommon in this day and age. If you are having trouble showing up as you most desire to – ask yourself, who is someone or what is someone that inspires you with the traits and qualities that they are bringing to the table? In whatever area that might be for them. It can be as simple as wearing a certain color intentionally – but I also love the idea of imagining how my clothes would change, what hairstyle do I see reflecting the confidence and attitude of a New Self, etc. PLAY WITH THIS. SET THAT SPIRIT FREE – because it is VAST and UNLIMITED and fearless! The idea is to start marinating yourself in a more expanded, empowered identity, a future Self, NOW!

Superman is another example that comes to mind, slipping into a phone booth – reporter by day, superhero by night. But a more everyday human like you and me??? You may not know that Martin Luther King wore nonprescription glasses. The idea was for him to feel and embody his most distinguished and intentional self. He wanted to feel and present to the world an image that would help him carry the mission he had within, out into the world. He did not want to get in the way of that with his own insecurities, so he put on his glasses to feel very intentional about that self.

By simply showing up with more intention – you can dramatically change your results. We all have that power inside our imagination. I LOVE this. If nothing else, this is a really fun exercise to get into with yourself. At best, an alter ego can activate your best self. A really powerful, intentional and potentially illuminating way to spend some of this Solstice passage; becoming your own hero and role model for others.

As we go into unknown territory with this new level of consciousness overriding our lower self, all can feel surreal. We are remembering how to embrace a brand new way of creating our reality – all the while making step by step decisions still very much informed by the practical and known. There is a delicate balance of moving forward with the Divine agenda of the Higher path, while staying balanced in the surrealness of leaving old time dynamics.

I AM remembering a quote from my college days… I am paraphrasing a bit:

When it is time to awaken –
let me not awaken like a frightened bird that flies about in dismay –
but like a child waking from its sleep with a knowing smile
illumined from within.

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing during this magnificent Solstice Gateway ~ take time to truly feel the CELEBRATION and FREEDOM of what is here now. This is a very sacred window for timeline shifting; for a complete re-creation of Self as a purified embodied expression of Source.

“Only love can save this world.
Diana (in the movie Wonder Woman)

Wonder Woman is a beautiful example of bravery and sacrificial love in the way she risks her life to save others and does what’s right no matter the cost. I “happened upon” this AMAZING photo shoot of a new feminine being, embracing a female role model – a little inspiration as you consider the alter ego you are ready to embody.

With Deep Love, JOY, Grace and Gratitude to ALL,
DeAnne and the Shining Ones

Posted in New Day
2 comments on “Summer Solstice ~ RISE Like The Sun
  1. Adair says:

    Always so inspired by your posts because they resonate throughout my being.
    Thank you for showing up in such a magnificent way and speaking the words that hold our remembrance of true self ~ a drop of God.
    Shine on DeAnne! Love you so much!

    • DeAnne says:

      awah thank you Adair🙏 It is always so good to hear from you, it is meaningful to share the journey with you and love you right back!💞

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