A Time When The Light Dominated the Earth

It is just so amazing and blissful how wonderful it feels to just breathe in this NOW! Is this what conscious breath feels like? Is this one of the many ways the new atmosphere we are breathing is expressing in our bodies ~ the experience of deep, grateful, immensely satisfying and anointing breaths? Life is so multifaceted and ALIVE, so much more vivid and unified in the day to day knitting together of our experiences… somehow, it just feels so centering and spacious to sigh a really good sigh!

I have been sitting with the above image for a couple of days now. It was taken on a 7 1/2 mile nature outing earlier in the week that included 2 humans and 3 dogs. We were on our way back to the car and wandered down a steep embankment, determined to get to a distant waterfall. Sure, that waterfall was beautiful from the trail above – but it was calling me and I could not NOT go!! So, down we went, foraging through thick brush and over precariously placed downed trees. On the way we also encountered a massive rock formation with a cave big enough to stand and build a fire in. Treasures that could not be seen from the beaten path above. Finally, there it was!! A massive, 15 foot cascade that just danced with crystalline energy and an orchestra of sound! OH MY!!

The waterfall was adjacent to the massive rock formation ~ we have had lots of rain and there was mud 2 inches deep leading to the edge of the falls where you could really take in the energy. Getting to this moment above, capturing the energy you see in this photo… it took some determination – mixed with great love for the vibrational world. Reflecting on the experience later, all filled up, it came to me that where we are going, where you are going in this NOW, it is not going to be via an already cleared path. We must be willing to listen and be pulled from the known, the well worn grooves, patterns and expectations of the experience of life we have known.

I felt and saw and heard the energy you see in this image. It wanted to be captured and shared. When I got home, I put it up on this page, along with the title. I did not choose this title, it filled itself in as soon as I put the image up – so they are intimately connected.  I never question these things – I have no need to know with my mind, what energy is communicating. I went about my life for a couple of days… the image went with me (as energy) to the market, it came to me in my dreams… and finally synthesized within me on this mornings run with the dogs. More on that in a moment!

There is this beautiful dichotomy happening where we cannot rush or force anything ~ because that is old paradigm/old masculine energy. And yet, we have to keep moving! We are not TRYING to create something new, we are allowing what is creative within us (which is the divine) to have a voice, to be given a voice, in some way, in this world that we live in now. If you look at this image and just hang out with the light intel in these words, you will feel this energy in your throat chakra. SO MUCH is happening to and within our bodies – this new energy is rising through our upper chakras – reflected in a new relationship to our POWER, reflected more profoundly and unconditionally in our ability to LOVE, the necessity that we use our VOICE and dare to truly SEE the new all around us rather than getting drawn into what is leaving.

I AM purposefully guided to not “interpret” or fill in too many details of what is happening in the moment captured above. I will say that the colors, predominantly gold and green – are important – the fact that the image goes behind the waterfall rather than being superimposed on top of it is significant – notice too the light rays coming out of the falls – and the fact that the whole thing emanates FREEDOM! This is what I felt in the moment – standing in this crystalline atmosphere.  As I stood there, this moment SANG of being free to me, it filled me with a sense of how free I AM in the way a child knows freedom. No mind, no worry or fear, sorrow or concern about anything. Children just show up to everything FULLY, with the whole self. I also felt the energy of the winged ones – the ability to rise above, soar above and have a clear vision of IT ALL. Sacred Geometry is how I experience and see ALL of nature – the shapes within this vibrational design are a living language.

Most of what I AM sharing with you and what you will experience here came to me in nature this morning. This whole experience woven into the greater tapestry of an ascending world was synthesized by the vibrational world. Up in remote and pristine communion with the earth. I was not “thinking” about anything. I went to the Shining Ones woods for what I thought would be a shorter run. I have covered about 24 miles in the last 3 days in nature so my “plan” was to do a loop in the electromagnetic energy of the forest that is about 3 1/2 miles. When we got to the top, the trail I had in mind went right… Bodhi, however, took the trail to the left and paused to make sure I was coming. I told him I was too tired to go that way… but his FACE – I gave in and said we would just go to the Sirian Portal that was only 15 minutes or so in that direction. Well, we got to the Sirian portal and I looked straight up to my left – feeling the energy of that ridgeline strongly pulling me off trail. I know now that we were ALWAYS going to go explore this area, but it was actually because of Bodhi that we ended up there!

I have been called to many new ridge lines recently – to see what is on the other side! Hear and feel the metaphor there. We are being called to new heights – where we can now see and experience what we have not been able to before. I AM covering a LOT of ground! Some days it is downright COLD. Much of the elevation is increasingly VERTICAL – high, remote, virgin nature. But what I know and experience are dimensional spaces where the “elements” are secondary to what is being rejuvenated and filled up, within.

This morning I was taken into MORE NEW – more discovery – I feel as if I AM creating new grid lines as I “map” together the familiar of my beloved landscapes with more vast and greater nature. We have been talking a lot lately on the New Human transmissions about the language of the earth, the new living language, how strongly she is communicating to us not through the lower chakras or the mental and emotional bodies, but through consciousness and energy and the heart.

She will sweep you into devotion like no other – and help you to rediscover a part of yourself that this world does not recognize  – one that knows no struggle, no lack, no limitation, no sorrow.

I have been asked often over the years who my teachers have been? And the first, easy, instinctual answer is the Earth. Everything that I know about these ancient mountains, their nature, vortex energy and sacred geometry, scaler waves, electric, magnetic, electromagnetic energy and how it moves through and forms the vibrational world – I learned from this living, breathing, conscious planet, the great Mother, Earth Star.

It is a time for us to let go of the striving and gathering intellectually, a shift from going out to make connections to allowing the stillness to form your new community.

Pay attention to when you are out and having casual conversation and all of the sudden, find yourself talking about something completely unexpected. Allow space for this new data to stream in – the synchronistic world is alive and pulsing with your own expanded wisdom.

One question for you to explore and feel and answer from the wisdom within you is, “is this title, A Time When The Light Dominated The Earth, referring to the past? to the future? or NOW? Or, are all of these collapsing into a New time for this planet when the best of who we have been, what we have created thus far and what we have yet to contribute through LOVE, forgiveness, healing and liberation – is ready to RISE into a new expression – of what it means to be conscious, divine humans inhabiting a living planet. What will our legacy be?

Goodness and Light, Beauty and Truth.
The Earth speaks of this remembrance.
Breathe That In!

Come and LET’S EXPLORE together this new energy and the many and magnificent ways it wants to speak to you personally. Entire worlds can be collapsed and created in a DAY when you truly understand the vibrational world. This living planet loves you so ~ this is an opportunity to get to know your Self in new and profound ways.

Energy Renewal In The Mountains: https://deannehampton.com/energy-renewal-in-the-mountains

Sigh ❤️Sigh ❤️Sigh



Posted in New Day
4 comments on “A Time When The Light Dominated the Earth
  1. shari says:

    The image and word transmissions are refreshing, reinvigorating.

    • DeAnne says:

      You would have LOVED this moment Shari, so happy to have captured some of it to share here. I am anticipating everyday the shifts and changes underway in your world and looking forward to an update when there is one. Love to you and Jonathan! xo

  2. Darlene says:

    Wow, wow, wow! I could feel the energy with every word. In fact, I got goose bumps reading it. Magical, other-worldly, and it’s filling me up as I type this.

  3. DeAnne says:

    Gratitude Darlene, it WAS worth slogging through the mud and shimming down and up that terrain – and yes, magical magical world indeed! 💞

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