You Are Life! And It Loves You So

Happy November New HUmans!

My wish is that you are feeling celebrated, validated, supported, inspired, new and ALIVE with this NOW. November came in with more elevation, healing, clarity and release than we have experienced so far with the 2020 gateway. There is a lot about the November energies in the current webcast – New Story, New Lives, New Reality  that will support you in maintaining the higher levels now defining our embodiment. Guidance, the presence of higher mind, higher Self, future Self activity is so strong right now – it just feels like everything is here to help and support us. The nature is different, experiences, thoughts, choices, decisions, feelings – everything is so very different, because you are different in this embodiment. Carrying this much wattage means you see differently, hear differently, feel and speak as a new being that has just arrived and understands that the mission is LOVE. You will notice your own magnetics attracting in different circumstances and realities in harmony with the new timelines. There will be new and deeper awareness around the role you are here to step into in service to the ALL that is unfolding. It is SO VERY IMPORTANT to recognize and embrace your power as a Creator! Your brain is like this lens – this filter that is projecting onto the reality around you what you have told it – what you believe, what this world has conditioned it to be. Its like your brain has been trapped in a box, 4 solid square walls – or perhaps a bubble – living in and absorbing the illusion for so long, that it believes it to be the only reality.

And so we must, as conscious creators, begin reprogramming it with NEW. EVERY SINGLE DAY. This is happening automatically – I AM sure many of you have noticed. The minute an old thought or storyline pops in – the spiral is there, this sense of the mind throwing you a moment of the same old same old and you feel this immediate – no, that is the old story, the old doubt, belief etc and it immediately gets washed and replaced with higher truth – a greater vision – the frequency of a higher mind awareness. It is just magic and such love – reality and existence shifting from mundane to magical as we witness and FEEL our embodiment as a new center and power. Remind yourself every single day that you have the capacity to see everything clearly. Including your Self.

The ebb and flow of this energy is very important –  waves upon waves – this is why we work with waves of relaxation in meditations on the show. I AM called to be active in the dance wave now because of the energy and intention within that movement – and also the ascending and descending spiral is wave form as well – as is all of the Light. So, know that if the Light – this new energy flooded as – like a tsunami – all at once, everyone would get sick and more would check out – leave – and we (as Light) want to gather as many up as possible for the New Earth realities. One day may be intensely challenging for you in the way that reflects what your challenges and old patterns have been – the next – YOU ARE THE BLISS, completed elated! You feel the vertical alignment and NOTHING can keep you from it. This reflects that you are already there essentially – (in the new spaces – 5D frequencies) but are still refining your embodiment. We just cannot take anything old with us into the new timelines – there is zero compatibility! The new light is HERE because of US – where we are now vibrating – to support our intention to LIVE CONSCIOUSLY.

REMAIN HIGH, optimistic in your quest to LIVE YOUR EMBODIMENT; retraining, repatterning what your brain has absorbed and been conditioned to know as true is a fierce, powerful level of mastery. But ongoing – the GREAT GIFT is that this co – creative force of alignment, vertical dispensation – Earth, Humanity, Cosmos – we are getting washed, marinated in this beautiful, soft, feminine energy that kind of balances out the training ground (setting of new foundation) and helps us to keep focused on this LOVE!

Stay right here, right now. Observe everything, resist nothing. OBSERVE EVERYTHING. RESIST NOTHING. Stay really present, really here, really NOW and be mindful when a conversation or an experience or your thoughts go into the past – we worked with this on the show, how, for ex. the Illuminati and Annunaki are well – worn grooves in the psyche and history of humanity – but they have no power or influence in the new timelines. STAY RIGHT HERE! This is where the new light and intel is. This is where the new supports are. There is nothing old here. We are being lifted every single day and it is precious and beautiful – it’s grace. This is our time. I cannot emphasize that enough.

Yesterday, I had to get my car inspected. Because of the side of town I would be on, I included a few errands even though I knew the traffic would be kinda crazy. But this incredible, high vibe thing happened, no doubt connected to brilliant rush of November energies commencing. Pay attention – all the time the light is saying – PAY ATTENTION. What do you see? Where are you vibrating? I was on a busy 4 lane road – cars everywhere hurrying to get here and there. Suddenly my vision – via my mind, shifted. I was not in that linear place – the vertical light was streaming. And what I heard and felt and saw, was: WHAT IF everything was light? What if everywhere you looked was beauty and people loving each other, helping each other, living in harmony… people happy and joyous and knowing the TRUTH about who they are? IMAGINE THAT EVERY DAY! Because it is true existence. And we are closer to remembering that then this species has ever had an opportunity to embody!

11/3, 11/10, 11/17, 11/24GLOBAL UNITY MEDITATIONS – every Sunday – 3 different times to join in intention, feel the Unity, BE THE LOVE.


11/11 Gateway: LAUNCHING THE PERU INTENTION TODAY – of COURSE. Adam and I have been devoted and focused on aligning EVERYTHING about this 2020 intention with vibrational care and heart centered attention. I love that we are male and female ( one in the Carolinas, the other in Peru) anchoring 2 of the feet of the TRINITY energy that is this EPIC PERUVIAN ACTIVATION next year. This NOW is so WOW!! So stay tuned for that coming to your inbox on 11/11.

Also – initiating another Ancient Mysteries Course on 11/11 that has some incredible magic around it! I will talk about on the next webcast.

Clear the space, create, be in nature, drink lots of water, rest and absorb. This day will be a huge assist in preparing you for the 12/12 and 12/21 gates at years end. Again, more about the December into 2020 energies on the next LIVE webcast, Sunday, November 17th. SO IMPORTANT TO STAY HERE NOW – so I AM allowing the energies to guide these landings and streamings.

November New Human Transmission
From Mundane To Magical Life, Activating Crystalline DNA
Sunday, November 17th, 11:11am eastern

My mind is a clear pool of water
my heart is a chalice of Light.

Take this mantra with you into the coming hours and days and weeks. Bask in the glorious time you are in, the gift of FREEDOM enveloping you and the EPIC LOVE reminding you of your One, True Nature. From my heart to yours… DeAnne

Posted in New Day
2 comments on “You Are Life! And It Loves You So
  1. ruty zarosta says:

    Shining Blessings of today for you DeAnne. your ‘spread/essay’ above is so powerful.from my heart to yours , very much so.

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